Counting my steps to help raise money for Cerebal Palsy

I've been a regular walker since Karim and I adopted Billy, our dog and the first addition to our family. It's definitely been an added benefit to my overall health. Thanks to work I also started tracking my steps through employee sponsored wellness programs for cash rewards.

This month, I'm walking to help raise awareness and money to fund research for cerebral palsy. September is Steptember. I'm on one of many teams at PwC participating. 

Why it matters
  • Cerebral palsy affects approximately 800,000 children and adults in America.
  • Every year, around 10,000 children will be born with cerebral palsy.
  • Cerebral palsy is not a single disorder. There are several different classifications and varying degrees of severity. 
  • Medical costs are around 10 times higher for children with cerebral palsy.
  • Medical costs are around 26 times higher for children with cerebral palsy who have an intellectual disability.
  • The total lifetime care costs to take care of a child with cerebral palsy currently exceed $1 million.
Steptember is global effort. My Steptember team wants to surpass our $500 fundraising goal by September 28. To date, we're raised $90.  

Meet Naomi, who just turned four a few days ago. She's a child with cerebral palsy. The money I raise could help fund thought-to-speech technology research to benefit her and many other children and adults. That would make a nice belated birthday gift.

Here's three easy ways you can help:
  • Make a donation of $5, $10 or $25 dollars at my donation page
  • Talk to one person about  the Steptember campaign
  • Share this blog with a friend, family member or colleague
I would love to hit and hopefully surpass this goal by the end of this month. Your support can help me and my team meet our goal.

Do you personally know someone with cerebral palsy? Let me know with a comment.
