Getting My Study Groove Back

Labor day has past, our days are getting shorter, and the trees in new England are beginning to change from a bold green to vibrant yellow, brilliant red, and provocative orange. Kids are also back in school, which may or may not be a relief for parents. Like the kids in my neighborhood I'm also back in school. A few weeks ago I blogged about gearing up for my studies in Gonzaga's online masters program in Communication and Leadership. I am about two weeks into the program and am feeling overwhelmed by the amount of work I need to get done. Be careful for what you wish for, cause you might just get it.

I knew the program was going to be intense and that time management and organization were going to be crucial. I thought I was prepared, however, I really under estimated the amount of time I need to set aside for course readings. My first course is theorizing communications and I'm learning about many of the theories that have been developed in the field over the last 20 years. I'm also learning how to cite in APA style versus MLA and do research on a graduate level through mostly online databases; Google or Wikipedia will not cut it at this level in the game. On a positive note, I do find some of the reading on communication theory engaging and am learning how it applies to my work and life. I also like reading my classmates reflections and responding to their work through the school's online dashboard.

I still feel like I'm racing against the clock to get my assignments done, that's probably because I am. This brings out a more pessimistic side in me. I think I've set my expectations high and am afraid of missing the mark.

In the end, I will get the work done because I have to. I also have to remind myself I'm not doing this alone. I have a great support system named Karim HadjSalem and my mom. Thank you for being so supportive and keeping me grounded. I may not always seem appreciative of what both of you do, but I am. Week three is about to be in full-effect  and my number one concern is I'm getting my graduate study groove back. Wish me luck.


Michael Duffy said…
It's a difficult thing, especially when you're working full-time, but I know you can do it.