Time to move on, but not so easy
Like many Americans, accepting the election results has been tough. It's not because I'm surprised by Hillary's historical loss (I'm not, I recognized her flaws and accepted them), it's because of how president-elect Trump won. Divisive rhetoric that at it's core was meant to ensure that white Americans who felt threatened by the United States changing demographics weren't going to be forgotten. The covert message resonated and to Samantha Bee's point, "White people. I guess ruining Brooklyn was a dry run!" (Watch it.) During the campaign president-elect Trump constantly talked about how the election was "rigged." In his win I can finally see the truth in that statement. Hillary had the cash, the pollsters, the experience, but one thing she didn't have was the media. Trump edged her out on that front and in the end I think media spin played a significant role in killing her presidential campaign. Social and main stream televisi...