
Showing posts from January, 2012

Happy 39th Birthday Roe v.s. Wade!

I value birthdays. I think they're important. I know there are millions of people who don't celebrate their birthday or place the value that I do on them. For me birthdays are significant in looking at where we've come, where we are, and where we may be going. That is why I'm proud to acknowledge and celebrate the 39 years since the Supreme Court's decision Roe v.s Wade. Under Roe v.s. Wade the Court ruled that women have a right to privacy under the due process law of the 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution and gives a women the right to have an abortion. Since the passing of this law 39 years ago, abortion remains a contentious social issue in American politics. Policymakers on both  federal and state levels seek to reverse this decision and in my opinion set back the clock on this right given to women in our nation. Meanwhile advocates of choice have been fiercely fighting to maintain this right for women. Naral Pro-Choice America , an organizati...