Finding My Focus

Have I found my focus? No, but I am getting closer to it. Last night, I was supposed to buckle down and get to my treatments for Finding Patience and Ego Tripping. Instead, I ended up watching the latest episode of True Blood. I must say it was a great episode, but I realize I probably should have not watched it. Howevery, it was so much easier for me to break fasting with an episode of True Blood, rather than dig deep to find the writer in me. I know, I've got to get my priorities together.

It wasn't a complete lost, at around 10 p.m. guilt began to set in and I decided to at least grow through my file folders of scripts, script notes, and articles on screenwriting. As I was reading through some of the papers I came across coverage for Finding Patience. The coverage was of the first 20 pages of my script. The contest I submitted to wanted to see your first 20 pages and if the story pulled them in then they would look at the full script. I did not make the cut. Ironically they also had a checklist of 20 things your script should have to make their cut. I only had four out of the 20. On first glance I was sort of depressed by this, but then I picked up the screenplay and began to read it. I would stop and look at the check marks I didn't have and then go back to the script. I stopped on page 10 and realized I had missed the mark in the setup of my screenplay.

It was around 10:30 and I realized that it was time for me to go to bed. I would have to be up in a few hours to eat an breakfast before the sunrise. I didn't want to go to bed, but if I was going to function tomorrow I needed to. I put the script down, realizing that I had a small break through. I saw the flaws in my writing. I have to revise it because it can be better. My job is to make it better.

I wish it didn't take me all night to come to that conclusion, but at least I did get to it. I My train has left the station, but the speed is very slow at the moment. I have faith it is going to pick up, but for now I've got to pace myself and not lose track of my goals.
