Back to Basics

Stagnation, it happens, sometimes I put to much on my plate and then I have to take a few steps back and look at the whole scene, as if I were watching a film. I ask myself, "Where did I go wrong?" or "What do I need to change?" For a few weeks I've been writing about how I need to get more focused and back into my writing, unfortunately I'm still lagging on that front, but I'm ready for a change. If I want to progress I have to change.

Since August, I've been talking about writing the feature length script of After the Headlines, which won't get written until I write the treatment and then an outline. After some failed attempts, I realize I have to do the first two in order to make it through a first draft. I'm not one of those blessed writers who can take it off the top of their head and crank out a script in a few weeks. I tend to self-edit as I write and that typically halts me in between the second and third act. The outline comes in handy at this point, because when I'm about to go off-track, I have my outline to remind of my original intentions.

I've gotten as far as pulling out the articles and carrying them around. No that isn't helping me write, but it reminds me that I have a project to start. Tonight I'm finally going to take some initiative and reread the articles that will be the basis of my story. I will also look over some articles related to mental-health needs. I try to forget that this work is important, but then I read some articles from screenwriters making a living at their passion, I am reminded not to skip over the basics if I want to lay down the right foundation. Since a screenplay is the blueprint for directors and actors, it's in my best interest to take the time to flesh out my story (beginning, middle, and end). I only cheat myself when I don't do the work.

So for the next few weeks, I will not think about contests or queries. From where I'm sitting, I have a lot to do before I hit that stage. It's time for me to step up to the plate and write, it's all about getting back to the basics.
